We have so many recipes in our recipe library — everything from starters to desserts — and I have made almost all of them! My husband is my best taste tester (and guinea pig), so I’ve gone back through the archives to find five recipes that wowed both of us.

These recipes use a variety of beans, some in the same dish. They are all easy to make with just a few ingredients, (except for the muffins), and are healthy and delicious. You will be surprised, just as my husband was, at how good the blueberry bean muffins taste! The muffins stay fresh for several days, or you can freeze them for future breakfasts or snacks.

I like to add avocado to the bean salads for a healthy dose of good fats, plus I LOVE avocados and beans together. Both of the casseroles would be perfect to freeze for those days when you don’t have time to cook.

Check out these great recipes! You can substitute dried beans in all of the recipes if you feel so inclined.

IMG_6141Blueberry Bean Muffins

IMG_6123Sunshine Bean Casserole

IMG_6097Mock Enchilada Casserole

IMG_6058Marinated Bean Salad

IMG_6145Calico Bean Salad